Here is some information on the subject:
- 26 Actions Steps for the Local Church
- Church Models for Workplace Ministry
- Churches Making Paradigm Shift in Equipping the 9 to 5 Window
- Connecting Ministry with the Corporate World
- Connecting Worship and Work
- Equipping churches actively hunt for examples and resources
- Equipping churches address the opportunities and challenges their people face at work
- Equipping churches connect daily work to worship
- Equipping churches create structures to sustain this ministry
- Equipping churches empower and collaborate with people in the congregation to lead the ministry
- Equipping churches encourage everyone to take responsibility
- Equipping churches have a vision of god at work where their people work
- Equipping churches include daily work as part of their compassion outreach service ministries
- Equipping churches invest resources in equipping people for daily work
- Equipping churches release and support their people for work outside the church
- Equipping the saints for ministry
- Equipping the saints for the work of ministry
- How Can the Church Encourage Vocational Stewardship
- How do the church and the workplace differ
- How does human work connect to Gods work
- How to Equip Churches for the Workplace
- Is the Gap Between Pulpit and Pew narrowing
- Pastors Want to Visit Church Members Workplaces
- The church and labour in South Africa
- The Church in the Workplace1
- The Church in the Workplace2
- The Church in the Workplace3
- The Great Divide
- The greatest cultural challenge facing the church
- Tips for connecting to the workplace
- Want to Be Missional? Equip those in the workplace
- What does this mean for peoples daily work?
- What is Gods mission in the world?
- Where is God on Monday?
- Where is the church on Tuesday?
- Why the Church shouldn’t ignore the workplace
- Workplace church