We bring the Gospel to people in the industry of
Our ministry is open to everyone in the places of work where we visit. If needed we have personal conversations/counselling and mentoring services. We also equip and develop both employers and employees through different programmes.
Our main focus
Christian upliftment
- Discipleship programmes. Read an article about it HERE.
- Pastoral care and trauma counseling
- Mentorship
- Youth programmes with sport as connection
Equipment and training
- Leadership and life skills training (BrightStar Programme)
- Work rehabilitation programmes in partnership with other organisations
- Financial literacy programme. Read an article about it HERE.
- Parenting skills (First Light). Read an article about it HERE
- Think Tank– action plan analysis.
- Entrepreneurial programme – skills development (Kalk Bay) and job creation. Read an article about it HERE.
Evangelism and ministry of the Word
- Distribution of Bibles. Read an article about it HERE.
- Ministering to farm workers. Read an article about it HERE.
- Ministering through singing. Read an article about it HERE.
- IMSA App
- Biblia App
- Luke 10 -Transformation
Industrial Ministry works in partnership with various organisations:
- Call 42
- Employers for Christ and other similar ministries
- Congregations of different denominations
- Businesses (eg Meyer & Ferreira furniture factory, etc.)
- HospiVision
- IMSA National
- Tygerberg Bible School
- Pro bono services (experts)
- Kalkbaai Bybel Instituut
- Partners for Possibility
- PATMOS Farm Ministry
Jaco Leeuwner
Network & Relationships Manager: Industrial Ministry, Cape Region
Tel: +27 21 957 7153
Email: cape@imsa.partners