Here is some information on the subject: 

Afgedank, wat nou?
Economic and social effects of unemployment in South Africa
Effects and Possible Solutions to Unemployment In Africa
Ek en my man het beide ons werk verloor
Ek het my werk verloor. Wat nou?
Ek het my werk verloor
Ek is onbillik afgedank. Wat nou?
Financial crisis. What is a Christian to do?
Finansies en jou juwelik
God and the Financial Crisis
God is Bigger Than Your Financial Problems
God Provides
Gods presence in our struggles at work Psalm 23
Handling a Financial Crisis Trusting God in hard times
Hoe werk werkloosheid
How can I trust God when I am facing unemployment
How do we Continue to Trust God in the Good times and Bad
How to bounce back from retrenchment
I was retrenched
Jacobs Well
Mans wat bid Hoe om verlies van jou werk te hanteer
Nuuskommentaar Werkloosheid
On Being Unemployed and Religious
SA werkloosheidsyfer hoogste in 12 jaar
South Africa unemployment 1994-2015
Story of my strife What I learned when my company went bankrupt
Surviving Success and Thriving with Failure
The Effects of Unemployment on Society and the Economy
The workplace consequences of personal failings Psalm 73
Toe my man sy werk verloor Dagboek
Understanding the root causes of unemployment
Van verknorsing tot vryheid
Verslawing My man kan nie ophou drink nie
Vertrou op die Here Hy sal sorg
Wanneer jy jou werk verloor
Wat nou gemaak as jou besigheid vou en dit voel of alles om jou intuimel
Werk verloor Wat nou
Werkloosheid Die ekonomie blog
Werkloosheid in SA skrikwekkend hoog
Werksyfers kweek kommer
What it feels like to be retrenched
When a Business Closes or Goes Bankrupt
Why Anglo is forced to cut 85 000 jobs