Here is some information on the subject:
- 12 Principles for a Thriving Workplace Ministry in your company
- A Disciple in the Workplace –Your Impact
- A New Way to Work
- Attributes of a Workplace Witness
- Be a lighthouse in your work
- Blywende Nalatenskap
- Bringing the Kingdom of God to the Workplace
- Called to Workplace Ministry
- Commissioning by the Holy Spirit
- Discipleship and Citizenship in the Workplace
- Empowering People in and for Marketplace Ministry
- Equipping the Saints
- Equipping you to live out your faith at work
- Faith and Work Do they mix
- Faith at Work
- Faith Goes to Work Reflections from the Marketplace
- Faith Goes to Work Spirituality in the Workplace
- Faith in the Workplace Being a Christian in Public Service
- Faith in the Workplace
- Four Attributes of an Effective Workplace Witness
- Four Attributes of an Effective Workplace Witness1
- God in the Marketplace
- Hope for Christians in the Secular Workplace
- How to connect your work to Gods work
- Is Workplace Evangelism A Fruit Or A Goal
- Lausanne Commitee for world evangelization
- Life at work Onderskeiding
- Living Our Faith at Work
- Making an Impact in the Workplace
- Marketplace Ministry Lausanne
- Met Jesus by die Werk
- Ministry in Our Cities
- Missions in the 21st Century
- Mobilizing Men in the Marketplace
- Overcoming Obstacles to Workplace Ministry
- Passing the Baton and Maximizing Your Impact
- Receiving Your Inheritance through your Work Life Call
- Reclaiming the 7 Mountains
- Saai die goeie saad
- Sharing Christ in the Marketplace
- Shining Lights
- Taking Christ into the Workplace
- Taking Faith into the 9 to 5 Window
- Urban Industrial Mission a Response and Commitment
- Walking through Open Doors
- Why Dont We Witness
- Why faithwork is important
- Workplace Ministry a Job for Everyone
- Your Influence and Gods Kingdom
- Your Job as Ministry
- Your legacy and your leadership
- Your Signature Work