Here is some information on the subject:
- Assessing Davids reign-1-Kings
- Building Bridges Between Church leaders and workplace leaders
- Developing Spiritual Leaders
- Different Styles for Training Leaders
- Empowering People in and for Marketplace Ministry
- Equipping the Saints A View from the Other Side of the pulpit
- Fokus op leierskap
- Gideons Ambivalent Leadership Judges 6v12 8v35
- Gods Method of calling a leader
- How Do You Deal With Pressure
- How does a man learn to become like a Child again
- Interview Dr Blackaby on spiritual leadership
- Is jy n selfgerigte leier of n dienaarleier
- John Maxwell se 5 vlakke van leierskap
- Leader responsibility in the workplace
- Leadership
- Leaving a Legacy
- Leierskap wat is dit
- Mentoring and Essential skills
- My twelve top tools for marketplace leaders
- Obstacles to Christian Leadership
- Personality ID Building stronger teams
- Relationships How to make them work
- Shepherding Horses
- Spiritual Disciplines for Business Leaders
- SpiritualLeadership Moving people on to Gods agenda
- Spouses of leaders Understanding the needs of your leader
- Tall Trees in die Werksplek
- The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership
- Vrouerskap Hoe vroue in leierskap ons stereotipes uitdaag
- Wees ʼn goeie leier in die werkplek
- Your Legacy and Your Leadership